- a process whereby one or more factors acting on phenotypes favour the transmission of particular alleles to the following generation
- process whereby organisms which are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce, while those less adapted fail and usually die
- two types of selection ~ natural selection ~artificial selection
process by which individual organism with favourable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than those unfavourable traits
process brings about evolution and adaptation(enable population to change and adapt to different chromosomes)
results in more favoured traits and less unfavoured traits
- individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to be selected that is to have more offspring
- those traits have a heritable component, tend to become more common in next generation
- alleles with an average result in greater fitness will become more abundant in the next generation
result in evolutionary change
there are many types of natural selection found in population
- stabilising
- disruptive
- directional
- sexual
- polymorphism
- process of intensional or unintensional modification of a species through human action which encourages the breeding of certain traits over others. (Breeder selects the desired characteristics)
- genotype is altered to produce a new strain of the organism for specific purpose.
include outbreeding and inbreeding
eg. domestication of corn & domesticated chicken
*click the link for more info(will be updated soon)
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